Monday, April 23, 2007

Ointment Transcript 4/19/07

"The Ointment" Episode #282: "The Ointment Weekend Preview for 4/19/07"

It's Thursday, April 19, 2007. So that means it's time for this little experiment that I like to call "The Ointment's Weekend Preview" where I take a look at some of the upcoming entertainment offerings for this weekend. I'm Steve Tatham and today is "High Five Day" so I give you, virtually, one of these. So, let's take a look at what's coming up this weekend. First, let's start in movies.

TITLE: Movies
I've seen a lot of movies. I've seen a lot of European movies. I've seen a lot of French movies. I've seen a lot of English movies. I've seen a lot of English comedies and French comedies. And there's a big difference between contemporary English comedies and French comedies.

TITLE: Disclaimer: Not Including "Mr. Bean"

The English comedies, just might, if you're lucky, be funny. That's why my money's not on the new Francis Veber movie from France, called "The Valet" - that's the American title. He has made a lot of comedies in the past which were barely passable in French and even worse in English; such as "The Man with One Red Shoe", "Three Fugitives", "The Toy", "La Cage aux Folles," which I know a lot of people did like. So, I'm not gonna watch "The Valet." I'm gonna, instead, turn my attention to "Hot Fuzz", the British comedy which is supposed to be pretty hilarious. It's a police comedy which claims, according to at least one review, to have as many laughs as "The Naked Gun."

(VIDEO CLIP from "Hot Fuzz")

So, I'm looking forward to "Hot Fuzz." So check that out this weekend.

New on DVD this week is the movie "The Last King of Scotland" starring Forest Whitaker, the amazing actor who is always fascinating to watch, despite that crazy eye. But, you get past it pretty quick when you watch Whitaker in action. He earned an Oscar for "The Last King of Scotland," beating out poor Peter O'Toole. Can you imagine? How mean can you be? Well, he plays Idi Amin and you'll see how mean he can be. He manages to make the life of a ruthless killer and dictator very charming and interesting. It's about a doctor who comes over from Scotland and gets involved in the life of the African dictator. Now, let's take a look at a little piece of "The Last King of Scotland."

(VIDEO CLIP from "The Last King of Scotland.")

Doesn't that look good? So, check out "The Last King of Scotland." New on DVD.

And also out on this week on DVD is the movie "Bobby", directed by Emelio Estevez. It's about the life, times and death of Bobby Kennedy. It's being released by the Weinstein Company, who have an arrangement with Blockbuster Video. Certain special features are available only if you get this copy at Blockbuster. It's a very bad deal for consumers because it means you don't get to see those special features unless you go to Blockbuster. The good news for consumers is, however, that this will rarely be a problem because there is very little in the new Weinstein catalog worth watching. "Hoodwinked" anybody? That's this week on DVD.


My website pick of the week is called It's a pornography site for Christians. What? A pornography site for Christians? Well, it's for Christians who want to get over their obsession with pornography. It evangelizes to these people and helps them to rid themself of that awful life of internet pornography. They even have a church -- live, physical church that you can go to. They have meetings there called "Porn and Pancakes." Yummy. Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, if you want to get over your obsession with pornography go to Or go there as I did for a little light-hearted entertainment.

That's "The Ointment" for another day. Thanks for tuning in. I'm Steve Tatham and that's news. We'll catch you tomorrow, everybody.

(WATCH this episode)


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